I'm a classical pianist / organist, but I think practicing techniques are similar. The short answer: only AFTER you are super comfortable playing at the right tempo without mistakes.
My practice routine:
- First, find a tempo where you wouldn't make mistakes.
- Use consistent fingering from the very start, to help muscle memory.
- When speeding up the tempo, if you find a passage where you keep making mistakes or when you're not happy with the sound: isolate it and practice starting at the tempo where you can hear the sound you want without mistakes. Repeat that passage and gradually do it faster until you achieve the tempo for the rest of the piece.
- Only after #1, #2, and #3 are done, keep increasing the uniform tempo for the whole piece, until you can close your eyes and feel your fingers moving "auto-pilot" at about 10% higher than the target tempo. If you find yourself losing control or hear passages / runs sound messy, you're not ready to increase the tempo. Repeat #1-#3.